Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 4: ALASKA!

Sunday May 11, 2008
O studious me.

Miss scarlet in the LIBRARY with the knitting

Because there IS A LIBRARY on board. How is it referred to on the maps?


I kid you not.

Breakfast was early, and Dawn and I went up to the Constellation room to have a wide, unadulterated view of the smooth waters as we approached Ketchikan. Very little in Tucson had prepared me for the stupendous beauty that is Alaska. All I thought was, "I wish Andrew and the boys were here, because They Would Love It."

And Juneau was even better.

But I preempt myself.

Everything appeared to be on target for Ketchikan, until:
  • unpleasant information oozed about SeaSocks travelers being expected to take care of high-maintenance roomies because they were "nice" and wouldn't complain. Kind of ignoring the whole "I just paid a ton for a vacation" aspect of the trip...
  • things got nutty figuring out how to get off the boat, and nuttier yet for Jennie-the-Potter and Mom Lucinda (perhaps, honestly, the nicest people anyone could ever hope to meet...ever) since Jennie's mom tragically broke her fibula (the leg at the back of your calf—ouch!) a week before the cruise...thanks to Dawn, my stupendous roomie, she had a three-wheeled scooter (which we all commandeered at some point during the cruise) which was great for getting long as there were ramps.
  • The "ramp" to Ketchikan was actually tweaked (and slippery) stairs.
  • It was beautiful when we docked, and it was spitting down icy rain when we actually got off.
We were undeterred, however, and bravely beat a bee-line en-masse to the first yarn store.

The yarn, the earrings, the was all just gorgeous (the view didn't hurt either) at the little yarn store upstairs at the Salmon Landing. Our Pod moved, amoeba-like, all over Ketchikan, adding, subtracting, and re-adding limbs as we moved. Lunch was hard to find, made harder by the fact that YOU CAN SMOKE IN RESTAURANTS in Alaska...I thought Arizona was the Libertarian-don't-tell-me-who-I-can-or-can't-kill holdout! Who knew?!

As we discovered cute and cool thing after cute and cool thing, eventually Dawn, Lucinda, and I wound up back at the Salmon Landing at a ridiculously overpriced but better than I could have dreamt fish counter. Halibut was fresh so Lucinda and I shared a Halibut plate.

Like unto Manna.

Back to the boat for dinner...and our knitting theme of the night--Knitty Knits. Unfortunately, again, no actual plans made for where, when, or how to have this happen. Lucky for the SeaSoxers, our Pod moved the lot of us—eventually—to the back of the boat, the back of the Cafe. Our bemused wait staff was able to turn up the lights a bit for us, bring us water (and some nights we got cookies!). The pics of the hoardes with Clapotis on—that is a high point of the night for me. It was effing FREEZING, but that blasted shawl/scarf really worked. And it was extraordinary to get the chance to see SO MANY different ones made of so many different types of yarn. Some were really simply scarves, some were huge, heavy shawls. Really spoke to yarn choice. Good lesson.

So, knitting, then to bed. End of Day 4.

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